Archive for January, 2009

My New Favorite Free Theme: HiddenDock by Ecruz

January 23, 2009

I just downloaded this one tonight and it is my new favorite Today style! the Hidden dock sliding up and down is kind of annoying but i think i will eventually get used to it. it is nice that the Bottom dock is customizeable! (the vertical dock is not) All in all, the clean Apple icons give my Blackberry Bold (only for bolds!) a fun new feel! yay! Get it from PimpMyBerry here.

P.S you may need to create a login to get the OTA link.

How to: Capitalize a letter on your Blackberry Keyboard

January 23, 2009

I am sure every knows to use the Shift aA to capitalize a letter on your Blackberry keyboard, but did you know you can also hold down any letter for 2 seconds and it will automatically capitalize the letter for you? another neat new trick to show your bb friends =)

Free Blackberry Bold Themes for your boy or your girl :-)

January 23, 2009

Theme designer Michael Small ( has been constantly releasing clean stylish themes and these are no different. I love how he is catering to the blackberry boys and blackberry girls 😉 AND they are free! YAY! Pick up these Blackberry Bold themes OTA at Blacklight Themes


January 9, 2009

OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG. the day has finally come! i am SO excited about this new application I stumbled upon (thanks to my uber cool boss Chris!). FINALLY FREE INTERNET RADIO FOR BLACKBERRY by Slacker. If you have heard of Pandora, it is pretty much exactly like it, but better! Slacker allows you to stream internet radio on your Blackberry and also to customize/create your own radio station based on the artists/genre/songs you like. I tried the application out and it is definitely got a double thumbs up from me already! What makes this better than Pandora for me is the capablity to play music and switch applications. I hated not being able to text message or access other parts of my iphone while listening to Pandora. The Slacker radio interface is also very slick as well. Go ahead and go to on your Blackberry browser and download this fun app right away!!!

P.S this application is available for all Blackberries OS v4.3 or higher. it is recommended that you have OSv4.5 though.

Need to upgrade your O.S for it? (haha alec!) go to

Free theme: Flamboyant today style for Blackberry Bold

January 7, 2009

This theme featured at Gemblock supports my favorite features! It is today style and also customizeable bottom zen too! It is also free and available at their website here. Gemblock also has this theme available for all berries: Pearl, 83xx, 81xx, 88xx, and of course the Bold. 🙂

Berryware: Color your Berry!

January 7, 2009

Happy new year my little nerdies! I wanted to thank you guys who read my site! I appreciate the support!!! =)
Pinstack just announced a new website called Berryware which will send you a customized color of your Blackberry. The pricing is not that bad: $69.99 (compared to Colorware) and I have always wanted to have a pinkberry! Right now, five different colors are available for purchase and they will be supporting the Blackberry Bold soon as well. The tricky part is that you have to perform the case swap yourself. With the Apple tab, it looks like they will also be support Apple shortly too.