Archive for March, 2009

its OFFICIAL!!!! Pandora for Blackberry!

March 18, 2009

A Post St. Patrick’s day treat!!! I love using Slacker radio on my Blackberry Bold, but it definitely is not my first love. Finally! Crackberry announced today that Pandora for Blackberry is finally available! I downloaded it this morning and tried it out on wifi and it was running smoothly. As soon as I opened the application, it prompted me to login. I was excited to see that it pulled up all my saved radio stations (from when i listen to Pandora on my computer) The application ran smoothly and even included a battery and service status on the top of the application. Unfortunately BoyGenius reported that it does not support T-Mobile or the Storm yet. 😦 Sorry bbs! Guess you will have to wait!
As for all others>>>> to download Pandora to your Blackberry go to on your blackberry browser.

[photo courtesy of BoyGenius report] Free Video mail and Video Chatting

March 13, 2009

My cousin Alan recently sent me an interesting email. In the email was an easy to click link to view a video mail he sent from his computer (with a web cam) of him and his son. I was amazed at how easy it was to click and view the video. With further probing at, I discovered this service is free and doesnt require you to download any additional software! This sounded too easy! Well guess what folks, it actually is too easy. I signed up for an account tonight and sent my first video mail to my best friend Crystal in Florida. This website is an easy way to keep in contact with friends and family that are far away and also just plain fun! TokBox also allows you to integrate your favorite IM applications and do video conferencing and it looks like it even supports Facebook video chat!I haven’t tried out the Facebook add on yet but it sounds really neat! You even get your own personal url! Mine is Sign up yourself and try it out!

Free Blueprint theme for Blackberry Bold

March 8, 2009

Another creative theme by SixTen Webdesign called Blueprint. This one is very fun but I had a little bit of a hard time reading the font print, probably because of the light blue, and white font. I still really like it and am thoroughly impressed again with SixTen Webdesign.
Blackberry Bold OTA link

New Free Bold Double Zen Today theme by SixTen Webdesign

March 8, 2009

I found my new favorite theme! Nothing like refreshing my Blackberry Bold with some play dress up theme! This one was created by SixTen Webdesign. This is unique and interesting to me because its is a customizeable double Zen-style with Today Plus built in. The icons are fresh and clean and it runs very smoothly!!! Here is the OTA link.
(only available to the Bold, sorry Berries!)