Archive for the ‘theme’ Category

New Free Bold Double Zen Today theme by SixTen Webdesign

March 8, 2009

I found my new favorite theme! Nothing like refreshing my Blackberry Bold with some play dress up theme! This one was created by SixTen Webdesign. This is unique and interesting to me because its is a customizeable double Zen-style with Today Plus built in. The icons are fresh and clean and it runs very smoothly!!! Here is the OTA link.
(only available to the Bold, sorry Berries!)

Premium Theme

December 29, 2008

I have never purchased a theme for my Blackberry before, but I finally found one that was worthy of downloading. I decided to buy this one because it designed in Today Plus which is a must for me! I rely on my calendar in my Blackberry too much! The theme comes in an array of colors to meet everyone’s taste! I personally chose the Rose color! This theme is available for 81xx, 82xx, 83xx, 88xx, 9xxx. BUT keep in mind, you must be running OS 4.5 or higher. Get this theme at

Free Mario Theme for Blackberry Curve

June 9, 2008

Nancydrew has released another amazing theme for your Blackberry curve. Its nothing like i have ever seen before. Definitely a fun nerdy way to dress up your blackberry, especially if you love Mario. :0)

OTA link

Free Blackberry Theme: HeartBerry

April 2, 2008

This Blackberry Today style theme is for the girls (especially my good friend Maria) . I found this theme that was created by NancyDrew on Themes4BB.

To try this cute, pink Today style theme for Blackberry Curve, on your Blackberry browser: click here.

Official Blackberry Curve theme: Free from RIM

March 31, 2008

This is my favorite Blackberry theme, it was released directly from RIM and runs the fastest and smoothest out of all themes I have ever used (trust me! i’ve tried them all!). This theme combines the Today style and Zen style. You can switch between both styles by swiping your pearl to the left or right. I love this theme because i can preview my emails, and upcoming appointments and then also access my five most used icons by sliding my pearl to the right. I know the photo above looks boring, but it is so easy to personalize this theme with your own custom wallpaper or favorite photo.
To download this theme to your Blackberry Curve, on your blackberry browser: click here.
you need to then select themes and locate the link from Blackberry Mobile.
[images from BerryReview]

Free Blackberry Curve theme: iPhone style

March 31, 2008

Cherrichiodo is hosting this iPhone style Blackberry Curve theme. It is Today style (my favorite) and it runs nicely. What I found interesting is that the creator added an application folder to the theme too. If you like Apple, this is a great way to show your affection.
To download theme for, Blackberry Curves only, click here on your Blackberry Browser.